sumthing nice n i think tis is freakin true..hav a look on it..
1.某天,小張要去相親,因為沒有看過對方,擔心她長得太醜,於是交代朋友,十分鐘後call他的手機,這樣他就可以藉機遁逃。到了約會地點之後,小張發現女方驚為天人, 於是心想,等一下手機響不要回就好了。沒想到,美女的手機這時候響了起來,美女聽了兩秒後,對小張說: 『對不起,朋友有急事找我,我要先走了……』
2.有一個男人在派對上對男主人說:『今天的美女真多,要是待會兒我泡上一個, 你可不可以把樓上的房間借我一用。』 主人說:『那你老婆怎麼辦?』 這人說:『放心,她不會想念我的,我只失縱一下而已。』主人說:『我不是說這個,我是說十五分鐘前,她才向我借了樓上的房間。』
3.有一個老光棍,他並沒有什麼嗜好,只是喜歡在睡覺前喝一點葡萄酒自娛。 然而,他發現這幾天有人偷了他的酒。他便懷疑偷酒的是他的佣人,於是就把酒倒出來,再裝入他的小便。但裝小便的酒,仍然每天減少。他很不高興的把佣人叫來,責備一番。 『不,我並沒有偷喝!』 佣人說: 『我是想做味道更香更可口的菜給您吃, 所以我每天燒菜時,都加了一點在裡面。』
從這三則短文中各位有沒有發現什麼共通之處呢?沒錯,你怎麼對別人,別人就怎麼對你;你給別人什麼,別人就回報你什麼。 說得更白一點就是,你給別人的,其實是給自己的。 就像我在前面說過的,不管你丟出去什麼, 或是…想了、說了、做了什麼,最後都會回到你身上,不是嗎? 你給別人的,其實是給自己…
1. 在一家簡陋的酒館裡,正在喝大杯啤酒的 李 先生,突然覺得內急, 他匆匆忙忙站了起來,又想到上廁所時,酒可能被別人偷喝, 猶豫一會後,他找到一張紙,寫上:《我吐口水在這裡!》, 把它放在杯子下面,然後才放心的去上廁所。過了幾分鐘後, 李 先生回來時,他看到另一張紙寫道:《我也吐了一口在這裡!》。 哈!哈!哈!
2.我聽說從前有個人,他很不喜歡喝咖啡, 但是他太太並不知道,他從來沒告訴過她。 她非常喜歡喝咖啡,所以,每天早上都會順便為他… 準備一個熱水瓶的咖啡,跟他的便當擺在一起。 他一直都帶著那個便當和熱水瓶去工作,但是因為他很節儉, 所以每天晚上都會把那個熱水瓶帶回家,裡面的咖啡完全沒有被動到。 他知道太太很喜歡喝咖啡,為了要省錢,所以當她沒看到的時候, 他會將沒有喝的咖啡倒回咖啡壺裡。 晚上的時候他會用喝咖啡使他睡不著的理由把它推掉。 就這樣他每天都重複這麼做。有一天,她的太太認識了另一個男人,他們計劃好要毒害他,以獲取巨額的保險金,於是她每天早上都放少量的砒霜在他的熱水瓶裡,日復一日,直到最後她毒死了她自己。
你給別人的,其實是給自己的。你說是不是呢?你所給予的,都會回到你身上…如果,你對人冷淡,別人也會回以冷漠; 如果,你經常批評別人,你也會接收到許多的批評;如果,你總是擺一張臭臉,沒錯,別人也不會給你好臉色。 所有你所給予的,都會回到你身上。套句詩人奧登(W.H.Auden)的話:『人受惡意之作弄,必作惡以回報。』如果你陷害別人,哪天你也會遭人陷害。
當你帶給別人歡樂,你就會得到歡樂; 帶給別人祝福,你就會得到別人的祝福;如果你經常讚美別人,不久你也會聽到有人在讚美你,《你給別人的,其實是給自己的!》。 你讓他人經歷什麼,有一天你也將自己經歷; 你怎麼對待你的父母,將來你的孩子也會怎麼對待你。
我想許多人一定聽過,格林童話中有一則關於一位老人和兒子住在一起的故事。老人的耳力已經不行了,眼睛也看不見,顫抖的雙手經常把飯菜洒得滿地,碗也常打破, 兒子夫婦倆感到非厭煩,給老爸爸一付木製碗筷,把他趕到廚房幽暗的角落,不准和大家一起用餐。有一天,兒子看到自己的兒子用刀片消木頭,他好奇的問孩子要做什麼。結果孩子回答:『我在替你準備將來要用的木碗、木筷。』 從此以後,年老的父親又回到餐桌上吃飯,家人也都非常孝順他。
農夫的哲理 :
地球是圓的,整個世界都在繞著圈子, 不論你傷害誰,就長遠來看,你都是傷害到你自己, 或許你現在並沒有覺知,但它一定會繞回來。 所以,如果你佔了別人什麼便宜,先別得意,很快你就會為此付出代價; 反過來,若是別人對你做了什麼,你也無需氣憤,不必去報復,任何他們所做的,他們都將自食惡果。
這是歷來最偉大的教誨。不管你對別人做了什麼, 那個真正接收的人,並不是別人,而是你自己;同理,當你給予他人,當你為別人付出,那個真正獲利的也不是別人,而是你自己。 有一個農夫的玉米品種,每年都榮獲最佳產品獎,而他也總是將自己的冠軍種籽,毫不吝惜地分贈給其他農友。 有人問他為什麼這麼大方? 他說:『我對別人好,其實是為自己好。 風吹著花粉四處飛散,如果鄰家播種的是次等的種籽, 在傳粉的過程中,自然會影響我的玉米品質。 因此,我很樂意其他農友都播種同一優良品種。』
他的話看似簡單卻深富哲理,凡你對別人所做的,就是對自己所做的。 所以,凡事你希望自己得到的,你必須先讓別人得到。
保證有效的秘方 就像那個農夫一樣,
那就去帶給別人快樂,不久你就會發現自己愈來愈快樂。 明白了嗎?我們所能為自己做的最好的事情,就是去為他人多做點好事。
Friday, October 31, 2008
behind d faces..
jus now was msn-ing v my bro..not really feelin OK anymore..act i really dun like ppl who keep buzzin around my ear..tat make my heart feel so uncomfortable n im such a useless..(i noe they say/do so is jus for my own good,but tat will make me feel very very unbreathable u noe..)yeah,as many ppl told me,>u must work hard for it,u cant ask for help everytime,u should grow up,tis is da time u should start independent,work hard if u dun wanna look down by others,y u dun do it like tis,y u do it tat way..?grhhhh..i HATE myself!!!
from da conversation,i oso realize tat outsiders will NEVER noe da real reality behind da whole "story"-happiness,rich,poor..etc...u will never noe all da rich ppl how they work hard for it n how da poor ppl suffer from hunger,sadness behind da happiness,da complicated behind da BIG family,da POLITICS behind da scene,da lonely-ness behind a ppl..etc..da feelin n da stage of sufferin from everyone u will never never realize it..
so pls pls pls,use da other point of view 2 look on others..dun judge ppl straight away from ur sight..u may hurt others from da way u act..think from da better helps urself coz u wont get hurt easily..
tis is da way i use it make u free from those HEADACHE problems..
lets get started from DUN CARE so much~~"boat till shore will straight automatically"(translate in mandarin pls)XD..
hav a good day guys!
from da conversation,i oso realize tat outsiders will NEVER noe da real reality behind da whole "story"-happiness,rich,poor..etc...u will never noe all da rich ppl how they work hard for it n how da poor ppl suffer from hunger,sadness behind da happiness,da complicated behind da BIG family,da POLITICS behind da scene,da lonely-ness behind a ppl..etc..da feelin n da stage of sufferin from everyone u will never never realize it..
so pls pls pls,use da other point of view 2 look on others..dun judge ppl straight away from ur sight..u may hurt others from da way u act..think from da better helps urself coz u wont get hurt easily..
tis is da way i use it make u free from those HEADACHE problems..
lets get started from DUN CARE so much~~"boat till shore will straight automatically"(translate in mandarin pls)XD..
hav a good day guys!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
another new post again
i learn chiffon n brownies on tis week..
nice?i made da pattern..after my sunday class,i stay overnite at wennie's place..coz we r goin 2 make moist chocolate cake n Ganache toppin..heres da ingredients for Ganache toppin..
1kg fresh cream
1.5kg chocolate coins
50g butter unsalted
n here da steps>>
1st,boil da fresh cream v small fire..then,off da fire..
after tat, tis Ganache toppin is very very super nice,but da calories oso freakin oso can take as jam 2 spread on top ur me,its damn delicious!! on Mon,i went 2 Pavillion v wennie them..then i decided 2 deliver a BABY r da stages of me deliver my BABY..
choose my BABY>> hesitatin..wheather choose tis OR tis... after u choose ur BABY,then fill ur BABY v cotton~~
n lastly pay ur baby~~
while i look around,i found 2 lil cute big nose soft toys..tats freakin cutee.. after tat,we walk out of Pavllion 2 walk walk n c c..on da way,we pass by LVuitton n saw tis on their display items..tats freakin creative..
i pin a pink ribbon on my Lil Derek coz tis month is da breast cancer month..n from Pavillion i oso bought a pink bag for da breast cancer donation..from THOMAS PINK..nice? tats all for 2day..buai~~
nice?i made da pattern..after my sunday class,i stay overnite at wennie's place..coz we r goin 2 make moist chocolate cake n Ganache toppin..heres da ingredients for Ganache toppin..
1kg fresh cream
1.5kg chocolate coins
50g butter unsalted
n here da steps>>
1st,boil da fresh cream v small fire..then,off da fire..
after tat, tis Ganache toppin is very very super nice,but da calories oso freakin oso can take as jam 2 spread on top ur me,its damn delicious!! on Mon,i went 2 Pavillion v wennie them..then i decided 2 deliver a BABY r da stages of me deliver my BABY..
choose my BABY>> hesitatin..wheather choose tis OR tis... after u choose ur BABY,then fill ur BABY v cotton~~
n lastly pay ur baby~~
while i look around,i found 2 lil cute big nose soft toys..tats freakin cutee.. after tat,we walk out of Pavllion 2 walk walk n c c..on da way,we pass by LVuitton n saw tis on their display items..tats freakin creative..
there represented sumthing good like,self relaxation,self confident,self reliance,a jewel in hand,self satisfaction,self content n many others but i jus like tis few coz it look so so so freakin cuteeeeee.. then we headed 2 klang 2 hav our tea+dinner..Bak Kut Teh..da ppl who intro us say da stall open at 4 pm,so we reach there at 3.55pm but da owner say they open at,while waiting,we went 2 da nearest there,i found sumthing interesting..tat is>>before i forget 2 tell u guys,my skul using these huge butter unsalted..did u guys seen tis huge b4?>> n wanna intro a new dessert 2 u hav nangka,sea coconut,longan,peach,mix fruit(can), it is full v kinds of VITAMIN..thumbs up for tis new dessert..try it up..(i think those who went vietnam b4 will noe wat is tis...)n i try it from my teacher..she made tis for us..i love u Liz..
Hello Hello..(the name) n tis is my BABY i deliver yday but i put it birthdate on 28th of Oct coz im born on da 28th too..hehe..n da Henry is Derek fren-wennie nephew Baby..
i pin a pink ribbon on my Lil Derek coz tis month is da breast cancer month..n from Pavillion i oso bought a pink bag for da breast cancer donation..from THOMAS PINK..
Friday, October 24, 2008
nothin 2 blog bout
HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 3 IS OUT 2day!!who wanna date me out..?XD..hope i can watch it nex week..
shift 2 my grandma house 2nite,coz class is ON on weekend..cant online for few days..
will update soon~~hav a great weekend guys!
shift 2 my grandma house 2nite,coz class is ON on weekend..cant online for few days..
will update soon~~hav a great weekend guys!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
new hairstyle new life
2day wake up early in da mornin n take breakfast v wenwen n zanzan coz yday stay overnight at their place..then sit at their place n discuss v them wat color should i dye da nex coz im so frustrated v my hair color after discuss v them then i went 2 da nearest saloon 2 DYE my hair..woohoo!!after 3++hrs,da result out..i like it so so much..mmm..tis is da real cour i like..then i went 2 their house n take a short bath n here da onli i show 2 u guys..
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
so bored at home n find sumthin nice in others blog..
♫ A: hot
♫ B: loves people and sex
♫ C: good kisser
♫ D: can kick ur butt
♫ E: has gorgeous eyes
♫ F: loves people wild and crazy
♫ G: very outgoing
♫ H: stick to one
♫ I: is really sweet
♫ J: is very sexual
♫ K: crazy
♫ L: very good kisser
♫ M: Makes dating fun
♫ N: loves to laugh and smile
♫ O: has one of the best personalities ever
♫ P: popular with all types of people
♫ Q: a hypocrite
♫ R: funny
♫ S: makes people laugh
♫ T: smile to die for
♫ U: is loved by everyone
♫ W: very broad minded
♫ V:[sorry missing]
♫ X: never let people tell you what to do
♫ Y: is loved by everyone
♫ Z: can be funny and dumb at times
so mine is
♫ A: hot
♫ G: very outgoing
♫ A: hot
♫ T: smile to die for
♫ H: stick to one
♫ A: hot
♫ L: very good kisser
♫ I: is really sweet
♫ M: Makes dating fun
jus havin sum lame fun here..teehee..
follow my bro visit his fren who is in Assunta jus now..bcoz near his pancrease there got a tumor n nit 2 operate..n early in da afternoon,he jus go do sum tubing thing n hurts his trachea..then now nit him 2 drink 2 jug of water b4 his operate which is 2 clear his stomach..i look him damn sufferin v drinkin a cup of water..i noes is freakin hurt,n bcoz his trachea hurt so he is so difficult 2 drink tat 2 jug of water eventho he is in a meanwhile,a nurse took a cd for him n tat cd is a record of his tubing thing..after tat he open n let us watch da cd v his laptop..oh my GOD,tat damn GELI u noe n luckily i not yet eat anythin or else i will vomit it out..
GOD,pls dun let me hav those stuff happen in my life ok..?
tomoro he will hav his 5 hrs operation 2 cut da tumor out..hope everything is ok n hope he get well soon..
♫ A: hot
♫ B: loves people and sex
♫ C: good kisser
♫ D: can kick ur butt
♫ E: has gorgeous eyes
♫ F: loves people wild and crazy
♫ G: very outgoing
♫ H: stick to one
♫ I: is really sweet
♫ J: is very sexual
♫ K: crazy
♫ L: very good kisser
♫ M: Makes dating fun
♫ N: loves to laugh and smile
♫ O: has one of the best personalities ever
♫ P: popular with all types of people
♫ Q: a hypocrite
♫ R: funny
♫ S: makes people laugh
♫ T: smile to die for
♫ U: is loved by everyone
♫ W: very broad minded
♫ V:[sorry missing]
♫ X: never let people tell you what to do
♫ Y: is loved by everyone
♫ Z: can be funny and dumb at times
so mine is
♫ A: hot
♫ G: very outgoing
♫ A: hot
♫ T: smile to die for
♫ H: stick to one
♫ A: hot
♫ L: very good kisser
♫ I: is really sweet
♫ M: Makes dating fun
jus havin sum lame fun here..teehee..
follow my bro visit his fren who is in Assunta jus now..bcoz near his pancrease there got a tumor n nit 2 operate..n early in da afternoon,he jus go do sum tubing thing n hurts his trachea..then now nit him 2 drink 2 jug of water b4 his operate which is 2 clear his stomach..i look him damn sufferin v drinkin a cup of water..i noes is freakin hurt,n bcoz his trachea hurt so he is so difficult 2 drink tat 2 jug of water eventho he is in a meanwhile,a nurse took a cd for him n tat cd is a record of his tubing thing..after tat he open n let us watch da cd v his laptop..oh my GOD,tat damn GELI u noe n luckily i not yet eat anythin or else i will vomit it out..
GOD,pls dun let me hav those stuff happen in my life ok..?
tomoro he will hav his 5 hrs operation 2 cut da tumor out..hope everything is ok n hope he get well soon..
Monday, October 20, 2008
boring day~~
another boring dayy!no schoolin+no jus playin v sum photo n morphin..hehe..looks very funny bcoz all da thin artist will bcum chubby face when im morphin v them..haha..
n tis is da pic of me b4 morph v those artist..
alicia keys
amy winehouse
angelina jolie ashley tisdale
ayumi hamasaki
britney spears catherine zeta jones
christina aguilera
linsay lohan david beckham
eva longoria
gwen stefani
hilary duff
jennifer aniston
jennifer lopez
jennifer love hewitt
jessica alba
lily cole
lucy lui
mandy moore marilyn monroe
michelle branch
tis is da ugliest michele jackson i ever seen mona lisaOSAMA BIN LADEN!!! paris hilton pink(din look much alike) still rihanna
shakira shake it babe~~~ da one i love it very much-sophia bush
tara reidtyra banks vanessa hudgen victoria beckham woon bin zhang zi yi
im in da show..woohoo!!
i like tis effect+pic coz it looks damn real..
and now i end my post v my pic..ches~
n tis is da pic of me b4 morph v those artist..
alicia keys
amy winehouse
angelina jolie ashley tisdale
ayumi hamasaki
britney spears catherine zeta jones
christina aguilera
linsay lohan david beckham
eva longoria
gwen stefani
hilary duff
jennifer aniston
jennifer lopez
jennifer love hewitt
jessica alba
lily cole
lucy lui
mandy moore marilyn monroe
michelle branch
tis is da ugliest michele jackson i ever seen mona lisaOSAMA BIN LADEN!!! paris hilton pink(din look much alike) still rihanna
shakira shake it babe~~~ da one i love it very much-sophia bush
tara reidtyra banks vanessa hudgen victoria beckham woon bin zhang zi yi
im in da show..woohoo!!
i like tis effect+pic coz it looks damn real..
and now i end my post v my pic..ches~
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